Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I come by to see demo models or available products?

    • Yes, in Utrecht. Contact me for an appointment.
  • Where can I pick up my order so as to avoid shipping costs?

    • There are possibilities in Utrecht, Eindhoven, and Den Haag. It is also often possible to meet at a train station. Contact me for an appointment.
  • What if something breaks?

    • If something turns out not to be fixed properly or loosens too quickly, while you have only had your product for a short time, I will fix it at no cost. Contact me and we can discuss when and where.
  • Can I wash my flogger/collar/impact toy?

    • Yes, you can. Use hand wash only, up to 30°C. The cord could shrink a little (5-10%), and some dyes may bleed a bit. Most handles have wood inside, so do not leave them in water too long.
  • Do you ship to [country]?

    • Upon request, yes. Contact me and I can make the necessary changes in my webshop, or name your country in your custom order.
  • At which markets can I find you?

    • In the past, KWS (twice a year in Vlaardingen, Netherlands) and Filthy Sinners market (during the Filthy Sinners party in August). In the future:
      • March 16, 2024, KRR, Aarschot (BE)
      • (probably) June 2, 2024, KWS, Vlaardingen (NL)

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